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Class of 2025

Advisor - Pam Wilkinson & Mr. Reading

Sophomore Officers
President--Snowy Rich
V. President--Nash Thouvenel
Secretary--Ayden Cox
Treasurer--Taydem Perryman
STUCO Rep.--Sydnie Couch
STUCO Rep.--Kendra Huckbay

Class of 2025 Officers

Sophomores (2025) will be selling World's Finest Chocolate candy bars Wednesday, Aug.31-Dec. 

The Sophomore class will be selling Football Playoff shirts Oct. 17-28.  You can order from any Sophomore or online at Mandspprints. 

Our mission is to guide the Class of 2025 toward the goal of graduation. Along the way we will raise money through various activities to help pay for Prom and Graduation.