Due to the relaxed state COVID 19 protocol, Gore Schools has made the following revisions to our MASK Policy:
1) Students and staff are now "MASK OPTIONAL"
2) Student spacing has been reduced to three (s) feet in place of the six (6) feet, per OSHD guidelines.
3) Classroom desk dividers will be eliminated.
**Parents may contact their principals if they prefer to keep a student desk divider in place. **Parents have the choice to have their student to continue to wear masks on campus and in buses. This is a personal choice and we respect that.
All other protocols will remain in effect until further notice.
"As stated, all our other safety protocols will remain. This includes sanitizing common use area frequently, cleaning desks, door knobs, lunch tables, restrooms and vehicles. We will continue to monitor temperatures two times daily, keep class passing periods on staggered schedules to reduce hallway crowding, staggered lunchroom times, and monitor all students and staff for any symptoms.
McCrary, Gore Supt.